Photography I
This course is designed as an introduction to the basic science and art of capturing images on film. The course requires students provide their own 35mm Manual SLR (Single Lens Reflex) Camera for the production of black and white prints using a traditional wet darkroom. Exposure and the coordination of aperture and shutter speed will be major components of this course. In addition, students will develop an appreciation for the history of photography and become familiar with several career options in this field
Photography II
This is an advanced course of study designed to expand the students’ knowledge and skills in photography through a variety of in-depth approaches. Students will not only further explore the functions of the 35mm camera, but will also use digital cameras,image-editing software, professional studio lighting, and alternative printing processes. Students will develop the power to express themselves in terms of their identity and their relationship to the world around them. The goals of the course are to explore and critically respond to the aesthetic qualities of photography, the relationship between form and function along with the social and cultural meanings of photography. Students will begin the course with structured assignments that will introduce them to a variety of media and techniques related to photography and image making. As the student becomes more technically proficient and focused on an artistic vision, they are expected to generate their own ideas, process, and solutions. By the end of the course students will have built a mature body of work that clearly defines a personal vision and demonstrates a technical command and appropriate use of materials.